Orca K-8

Get Involved


Orca K-8 PTSA Information and Website

At Orca K-8 we have a very active Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), which allows us to have a tremendous impact on the day-to-day lives of our students. There are many ways to be involved, from being an active PTSA member, to fundraising, to volunteering in the classroom and the community.

Orca K-8 PTSA website

Participating in PTSA meetings can keep you informed, and affect important program decisions. You can support and speak on behalf of our students on important issues affecting them in many different ways. Your fundraising efforts support many of the unique programs we offer at Orca. Volunteering contributes to a greater sense of community, provides more one-on-one instructional time for our students, and furthers our greater mission as a progressive education school to serve the community and educate our children in social justice and responsibility.

PTSA membership forms are sent home in your students’ PTSA Welcome Packets at the beginning of the school year. Additional copies are available in the school’s main office. There is financial support available to cover PTSA membership dues if needed. At Orca we all belong, whether we have enough money to pay membership dues or not.

Please join us for our upcoming meetings:

The PTSA meetings are generally held once every other month, usually on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. All scheduled meetings are posted on the calendar on this website.

You can find more on our own website at Orca K-8 PTSA website

Some Orca K-8 families are also involved in the Seattle Special Education PTSA.

Orca K-8 PTSA 2023-24 Board Members

Want to contact us? You can leave messages in our mailbox at the school or email us.  We are always happy to answer any questions you might have.

Presidents: Beth Steinhaus and Casey Bayuk president@orca-k8-ptsa.org

Vice Presidents: Erin Rood and Royal Alley-Barnes vice.president@orca-k8-ptsa.org

Secretary: Thomas Pool  secretary@orca-k8-ptsa.org

Treasurers: Karin Johansson and Erica Leigh Slepak — treasurer@orca-k8-ptsa.org

Fundraising and Membership Chairs: Courtney Reed and Morgan Cahn- fundraising@orca-k8-ptsa.org 

SESSFA Rep: Kelly Barbour — sessfarep@orca-k8-ptsa.org 

Volunteer Coordinator: Karen West — volunteer@orca-k8-ptsa.org

Garden Liaisons: Bailey Brown and Sarah Bigley Spencer garden-liaison@orca-k8-ptsa.org

Belonging Chair: Lisa Chauveron belongingchair@orca-k8-ptsa.org

Legislative and Advocacy Chair: Sika Holman – legislative@orca-k8-ptsa.org

K-2 Grade Band Representative: Kay Ritchey  — k2gradebandrep@orca-k8-ptsa.org

3-5 Grade Band Representative: Hannah Lidman —3-5gradebandrep@orca-k8-ptsa.org 

6-8 Grade Band Representative:  Monique Harris Jones — 6-8gradebandrep@orca-k8-ptsa.org

Teacher Representative: Lissa Mack Munger, Interventionist

Teacher Representative: Ash Bellamy, 4th grade teacher